Sunday, November 2, 2014

Afghanistan street art culture; NATO US pt2 - Street I Am

Afghanistan street art culture; NATO US pt2 - Street I Am

What is now and what’s next on Afghan streets   —

Locals and foreigners instigating new creativity  –

As we learned in our first article when NATO and the US left Iraq, the artists left the streets. NATO US Street Art Connection Kabul & Baghdad 
In this article, we focus our attention on the current creative juices
in Afghanistan. It looks like the outcome of the war effort there will
determine the long term prospects for Afghan street culture.

The locals are coming

In the first article we started out with the latest Big media street artist celeb from Kabul, Shamsia Hassani. But there are other Afghanistan street artists  getting media attention as well.

AFGHANISTAN – A Space for Art Emerges in Kabul
AFGHANISTAN - A Space for Art Emerges in Kabul | Street Art Planet |

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