Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lonelimess the difference between a bridge and a stadium.

The difference between a bridge and a stadium.

WARNING; This may be considered in extremely bad taste and so I want to apologize in advance of any offense this will undoubtedly cause. Please forgive me but I am a self absorbed artist.

Apparently people in increasing numbers are beginning to confuse a bridge GoldenGateBridge-001.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Gate_Bridge Which looks like this. And a stadium which looks like this stadium, sadly in the news today. https://www.google.com/search?q=undoubtedly&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6luTUqXoCeaaiAKbsIGwBw&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1183&bih=620#q=Oakland%E2%80%99s+O.+co+Coliseum&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=fAH0ygd7E4mdOM%3A%3BNlecwPyFaJ8_jM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fww2.hdnux.com%252Fphotos%252F06%252F71%252F62%252F1809545%252F5%252F628x471.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.sfgate.com%252Fraiders%252Fostler%252Farticle%252FOakland-s-Coliseum-is-once-again-a-villain-s-lair-2303810.php%3B628%3B419
This is Oakland’s O. co Coliseum.  A woman jumped after the game on Sunday and a man saved her life but they were both badly injured.
It seems that more and more people are jumping to their deaths and/or serious injury from stadium balconies when they really are looking for a bridge. These folks may be confused as to the proper function of each. So let us review
The real world function of a bridge is for traffic to pass over obstacles. The bizarro world use is for permanently leaving your body and this world.
A stadium real world use is for watching entertainment. The bizarro world use is spilling food and drink on others.
I hope that clears up any possible confusion as to the difference between a bridge and a stadium.

But I wonder. And now I'm talking to you stadium jumpers cause the bridge people are alright. I'm not talking to you here. No. You Stadium jumpers. You know you may not die and that you may hurt others, But you have an overwhelming desire it seems, to let us all know how miserable you are. You perhaps feel the need to reach out to the unfeeling among us. You perhaps jump not for yourself alone, but for all those who suffer alone. Nothing says look at me better than a dramatic expression of ultimate sorrow in a mega stadium.
Is it possible that kill joy jumpers have spent their lives hurting others when in the act of trying to get attention to themselves and their view of life?
I want to encourage all those of you who wish to draw attention to your life and the issue of loneliness to do some volunteer work first.. You may alleviate somewhat your own sense of loneliness. You may do the same for another. The difference between a bridge and a stadium in the issue of loneliness has another meaning here. The choice of dramatizing the sorrow of loneliness in a stadium or building a bridge to others through service. This is not a sure cure but it has worked for me and people I have met. It is worth a try before doing something that can only hurt you and increase the worlds collective sorrow.
This may be the best difference between a bridge and a stadium

This article in no way claims to  propose a cure for loneliness in any clinical sense whatsoever. It furthermore is in no way affiliated with any authorized groups, boards associations, organizations or other entities officially or unofficially practicing clinical psychology or psychiatry. It is based on no studies I have read. It is just me talking.

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